**∩_∩**Hi, I am Chengcheng, currently a junior professor in University of Augsburg.
I was a Phd student in IRTG 2235 at Bielefeld University supervised by Prof. R”ockner,
later a Postdoc in Research Unit FOR 2402 under the supervision of Prof. Scheutzow and Prof. Sebastian Riedel, after that as a postdoc joined the group of Ass. Prof. M'at'e Gerensc'er at TU Wien.
Research Interests
Stochatic analysis and its ralated, particularly, SDEs with singular drifts, random dynamical systems, PDEs, stochastic numerics, machine learning (for fun)
- Stochastic Differential Equations with Singular Drifts and Multiplicative Noises (PhD thesis 2019), C.~Ling.
- Strong well-posedness for stochastic differential equations with coefficients in mixed-norm spaces (Potential Analysis), C.~Ling, L. Xie
- Regularity of Local times associated to Volterra-L'evy processes and path-wise regularization of stochastic differential equations (Journal of Theoretical Probability), F.A. Harang, C. ~Ling.
- Nonlocal elliptic equation in H"older space and the martingale problem (Journal of Differential Equations), C.~Ling, G. Zhao
- The perfection of local semi-flows and local random dynamical systems with applications to SDEs (Stochastics and Dynamics), C.~Ling, M. Scheutzow, I. Vorkastner.
- A Wong-Zakai theorem for SDEs with singular drift (Journal of Differential Equations), C.~Ling, S. Riedel, M. Scheutzow.
- Stability estimates for singular SDEs and applications (Electronic Journal of Probability) L. Galeati, C.~Ling.
- Expansion and attraction of RDS: long time behavior of the solution to singular SDE (Electronic Journal of Probability) C.~Ling, M. Scheutzow.
- The Milstein scheme for singular SDEs with Hölder continuous drift (IMA Journal of Numerical Analysis) M. Gerencsér, G Lampl, C. ~Ling.
- Taming singular stochastic differential equations: A numerical method (Annals of Probability) K. Lê, C.~Ling.
- SDEs with singular drifts and multiplicative noise on general space-time domains C.~Ling, M. R"ockner, X. Zhu.
- Path-by-path uniqueness for stochastic differential equations under Krylov-Röckner condition L. Anzeletti, K. Lê, C.~Ling.
- Quantitative approximation of stochastic kinetic equations: from discrete to continuum Z. Hao, K. Lê, C. ~Ling.
- Regularisation by Gaussian rough path lifts of fractional Brownian motions K. Dareiotis, M. Gerencsér, K. Lê, C. ~Ling.
- Strong convergence of the Euler scheme for singular kinetic SDEs driven by α-stable processes C. ~Ling.
- Numerical approximation of Cahn-Hilliard type nonlinear SPDEs with
additive space-time white noise , D. Bl"omker, C.~Ling, J. Rimmele.
Here is my detailed CV.
Email: chengcheng.ling@uni-a.de Phone: +49 2246
Address: 3041C (L1), Universitätsstraße 14, 86159 Augsburg, Germany